The health and wellness benefits of Massage Therapy offer so much more than anxiety, tension, and pain relief as commonly thought. One of the most interesting benefits is a link to improved immunity. Studies have shown that those who receive regular massage have lower cortisol levels in their sava. Cortisol is the “stress” hormone, and is linked to a lower immune function. Cortisol in fact kills off cells necessary for healthy immunity. Lowering this hormone in the body not only can lead to greater immune response to foreign invaders, but it also leads to lower stress and anxiety levels. As a result of lower stress and anxiety, Massage Therapy helps regulate blood pressure – the vagus nerve actually helps regulate one’s blood pressure, and Massage helps to stimulate this nerve into action.
The more obvious benefits of Massage Therapy are to reduce and manage pain, and it can be used to relieve muscle pain, pain associated with nerve damage, and joint pain. The manipulation of the soft tissues helps increase circulation. Enhanced circulation leads to better skin tone and helps to deliver oxygen and vital nutrients to the cells. Massage Therapy also helps enhance the elimination of toxic substances which are transported out of the body by the lymphatic system.
Massage Therapy, while beneficial, needs to be helped along by you. For instance, it is always recommended to drink plenty of water before and after a Massage treatment to push the toxins through the elimination process quicker. Registered Massage Therapists at Burrard Health Centre can advise you with your home health initiatives. Massage Therapy can be an excellent complement to your healthy lifestyle.