A pinched nerve is an inflammation of a nerve root or nerve path that has been caused by sudden movement of the neck or arms. This can also be caused by sleeping for an overly long time with the neck in a unnatural position which can cause stiffness of the muscles in the region and resulting in a pinched nerve in the neck. Other reasons for a pinched nerve in the neck can be related to poor posture, wrong exercise techniques, car or contact sport accidents, mental and physical stress, etc. A pinched nerve can also cause referral pain into the shoulders and down the arm since upper extremities and shoulders are innervated by brachia plexus that are rooted in the neck.
A pinched nerve can also cause restriction to the range of motion in the neck, mostly in neck flexion and rotation to right or left.
Other Symptoms of a pinched nerve can become noticeable in an individual having weakness in the arms and shoulder region, and a constant dull ache and tightness in the neck can be a result of it. Numbness can also be noticed throughout the upper arm, finger tips and palm or dorsum of the hand.
Pinched Nerve Treatment
Pinched nerves can be painful when treated at first, but usually during the acute stage gentle massage therapy techniques like Swedish massage, gentle neck traction and some mild stretches help in minimizing pain. Massage therapists are trained to treat pinched nerves carefully and are knowledgeable of the nature of the condition, and usually with 2 or 3 massage treatment sessions the condition will have improved noticeably.
Self care: to avoid recurring symptoms of the condition, the client is asked to be aware of proper posture, sleeping pattern, every day activity and asked to participate in regular stretches of the neck and shoulder.