Neuromuscular massage is a form technique, which is used on a specific area called trigger points. In general, fingertips, hands and elbows are used to explore tissues and give direct pressure. At times, pressure is applied to the region and it may cause a phenomenal like referral pain away from the point that pressure has been applied. This technique aids in stabilizing Central Nervous System (CNS) to treat active trigger points. The terms neuromuscular massage, Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) and trigger point myotherapy are used interchangeably. Neuromuscular massage therapy is effective in treating unusual tingling and numbness of limbs, neck pain, back pain, joint pain and repetitive motion injury. A well trained therapist work in the localized trigger points to stimulate blood circulation in the ischemic tissues and release pain and increase circulation to the tissue. During the session, the patient will feel increased pain sensation in the first few minutes, which will subside gradually. Muscle pain and soreness are neutralized by recurrent application of concentrated pressure over the trigger points.With this, blood flow at the affected bodily areas are restored and the tissues start functioning normally. Although some patients get relief from pain after a single neuromuscular massage session, others may need to go for repeated sessions in order to observe the benefits of neuromuscular therapy.